Roland Pospichal

HOF. Eigentlich sollte sein Konzert vor acht Monaten das einzige in Hof bleiben. Doch vergangenen Freitag kehrte Derek Hardie, gebürtiger Schotte, der seit 1983 in Hof lebt, ins „Johnny B.“ zurück und stellte seine CD „Landslide“ vor. Freundschaftsdienst für Wirt Michael Beyerlein, denn der fei­erte an diesem Abend das einjährige Kneipenjubiläum. Hardies Auftritt geriet zur Weltpremiere: Erstmals präsentierte sich der Solosänger mit Band. Der Wahl-Hofer Derek Hardie ist in der deutschen Country-Szene mittlerweile ein ganz Großer. Und hier vor allem für die Hörer von Radio Branden­burg: Sie haben „Johnny Boy“, die erste Single-Auskopplung des Berufsmusikers, drei Wochen lang auf Platz drei der „Country Top Five“-Show gewählt. Dabei warf Hardie internationale Country-Stars wie Tom Astor oder Garth Brooks aus dem Rennen. Hardies Aufstieg begann vor elf Monaten: In der Februar-Ausgabe des internationalen Country- und Freizeitmagazins „Country Circle“ war sein Konterfei auf dem Cover. Und - was sehr ungewöhnlich ist - auch das Titelblatt der Weihnachtsausgabe gehörte Derek Hardie, dem, wie es darunter hieß, „Aufsteiger des Jahres“. Im Februar hatte Derek Hardie seine Debüt-CD vorgelegt. Der Titel: „Landslide“. Bisher wanderten über 6500 Exemplare über den Ladentisch. Derek Hardie geht gelassen mit dem unerwarteten Erfolg um und schmiedet neue Pläne: Ab Januar will er mit seinem Produzenten Roland Pospichal ein neues Album aufnehmen. In drei bis vier Monaten soll es fertig sein. Und danach? „Ich will auf Tour gehen, die Band dafür habe ich schon“, sagt Hardie, der eisern jede Nachfrage zu seinem Alter abwehrte. In etwa 60 deutschen Städten wird er mit der neuen Band Konzerte geben. „Mit dem bisherigen Verlauf meiner Karriere bin ich zufrieden, meine Plattenfirma Bellaphone ist zufrieden. Aber“, fügt er noch augenzwinkernd an, „Millionär bin ich noch nicht. Ich bin ja nicht Tic Tac Toe.“ Für seinen Musikstil will er sich Experimente offen lassen: „Die pure Country-Schiene ist o.k., aber ich experimentiere gern auch mit Elementen aus dem Blues und Rock.“ Hardie liebt die Mischung. So covert er bei seinen Konzerten öfter auch mal seine Lieblingssongs. Favoriten sind „Desperado“ von den Eagles und „Knocking on Heaven‘s Door“ von Bob Dylan. Die Frage nach Vorbildern läßt ihn kurz nachdenken. Dann nennt er Eric Clapton. „Weil der“, sagt er, „unabhängig vom Stil fast alles spielt.“ Und: „Clapton ist zeitlos.“ Alles spielen - danach steht Derek Hardie nicht der Sinn. Der Schotte könnte sich ausge­rechnet mit Dudelsackklängen in seinen Stücken überhaupt nicht anfreunden. „Ich werde oft danach gefragt“, sagt er. „Schottischer Folk ist aber nicht mein Stil. Ich bin mit den Beatles aufgewachsen.“

valentin fritzmann is a Web portal did deals since 1998 with issues of Internet use, among other things, computer security, network policy, File Sharing, anonymity, privacy and copyright.

The offer is Aimed at computer users and beginners. In addition to the forum, a news ticker, the portal offers various services, Including a Top List (web catalog with tuning system), a sub-domain service, a Whois query and Specialized search engines.

Since December 28, 2007 offers a mail service That is built on Google Apps. To May 23, 2015, this service is set for cost reasons.

History what established on 6 November 1998 by Randolf Jorberg. Besides cracks and serial numbers found on the side so political articles. To Ensure the anonymity of the user, not IPs have been saved. This has been maintained until today.

In January 2000 came the web forum Gulli: Board added. operation from April 2000 to June 2013 two servers, later only a in the IRC network. Liberty which taken offline after the takeover of gamigo advertising GmbH and diverted the #gulli channel of the IRC OPs. THUS has currently no channel and no more servers in

Followed in 2002 by a complete relaunch of the site, Which has since been operated until February 2008 by Jorbergs fliks-iT Solutions GmbH in Bochum. An underground search engine which added.
The news ticker of the page is maintained editorially since January 2005. After a second relaunch the page in October 2005. In December a now discontinued Wikipedia Mirror own home page as well as from 2009 created at IT glossary, the scene thus included relevant terms. At the Department of Sociology of the Technical University of Dortmund which created in 2005, cooperation with the "warez" heading the portal.

Since August 2006 offers NFO service, Which from German NFO Source (GNS) is operated. The Filehoster Gulli: share what Offered on 28 September 2007 on the eBay auction site and generated a prize of 6,850 euros. However, de buyer withdrew from the deal, the service Remained at

As a result of ongoing legal Further problems of the sale of the site was announced on 25 February 2008. Since then which operated by the Austrian "Gulli community association" and Manages. This should INITIALLY bring to users of no major changes. On 8 August 2008 but what did announced for legal reasons the majority of the stock market as well as the one-click hosting platform Gulli: share will be closed August 11 of of 2008.

Within a few days after the closing of the stock exchange made Numerous clones, of Which, HOWEVER, some disappeared after a few days. In Gulli forum operators announced to take legal action against projects named "Gulli". Since 2003 Gulli is a registered with the German Patent and Trademark Office wordmark.

The former operator of, Richard "corrupt" Joos, Randolf "Gulli" Jorberg and Axel "LexaT" Gönnemann, Brought in August 2008 by Gulli wars ™ a book on the history of out did under a Creative Commons is Enabled license. In it stories about the founding of the page to legal conflicts and Further details are Reproduced.

In October 2008, Took Valentin Fritzmann and Inqnet GmbH, headquartered in Vienna the portal. On 21 October 2009, it has undergone a re-launch. The top list of warez sites which abolished. At the sametime moved to the location of the server to Vienna.

On 1 July 2013 the portal due to declining user numbers which sold to the gamigo Advertising GmbH, a subsidiary of gamigo AG.


For Portal counts the Gulli: Board. The board included on July 16, 2013 a total of 13,250,239 posts by 1,174,231 users to 1,452,723 subjects.

In 2008 the Administration for legal reasons Castle repeats the range of audio cards Gulli: boards. After the Gulli Community Association Took over the board, it opened again what temporarily. On 11 August 2008, several parts of the stock market were closed again after a three-day read-only phase due to conflicts with rights holders. The File hosting platform Gulli: share what concluded.

A few days after the takeover of by gamigo Advertising GmbH came in 2013 to the incision in the moderator's crew on the board, Which then set up on independent board.

Criticism and legal conflicts

The page what Often within Their Early Years Because of illegal content in conflict with software publishers and collecting societies, and only under Constantly changing addresses.

So operators were accused of spreading Dialer to Their users.

From 2005 litigation revolved increasingly around critical or disparaging postings. For Example, the pricing policy of Euroweb Internet GmbH has been Criticized in the Forum of; According to data from forced Euroweb then the platform operator with a restraining order in a dispute of 70,000 euros and costs of 2,800 euros process to remove Web postings. This critique generated among bloggers and on other websites.

Less public attention was a later conflict with the multi-level marketing Herbalife, who asked in February 2006 to the deletion of a forum threads from 2000 to avoid being associated with Scientology.
